
News Snooki’s Slippers & Savannah Miller’s New Line

Savannah Miller is working on new collection now that she and her sister are no longer a part of Twenty8Twelve. {Fashionologie} Coach Factory Outlet

Nail polish is so in right now.  Especially in shades of green, which has men confused. {NYT}

Snooki is making slippers for kids, finally Coach Factory Outlet!  {TheCut}

Barneys threw a party for Alber Elbaz’s “Lanvinniversary” last night and the fire alarms went off in Mark Lee’s house. {OnTheRunway}

Photo: Toby McFarlan Pond

Dozens of stars came out to celebrate the premiere of Lena Dunham’s Girls in New York last night. {PopSugar}

We mentioned that Kate Upton is in the Met’s Prada Schiapparelli catalog.  Then New York Magazine said the photo in question was taken in 2004 Coach Factory Outlet, when Upton was 11.  Then Love tweeted that Toby McFarlan Pond shot Upton now, wearing Prada from 2004.  We’re going with Love on this one. {NYMag Coach Factory Outlet, Twittter}

Jake Gyllenhaal led a Soul Cycle class.  That is so not the same as saving people’s lives. {DailyIntel}

