
9 Things I Feel Like I’m Always… 9 Things I Fe


I feel like I’m always writing lists. Like this morning, for example, I was writing in my journal, just jotting down my plans for the day, when I started thinking about things that I find myself doing all the time — ya know, stuff that happens over and over again. In my case, it’s opening cans of gravy, trying to find my iPhone (if I had a nickel for every time I asked El Hub to “call my phone for me…”), wanting another pair of shoes that I probably wouldn’t be able to walk in, and, of course, writing lists like these. :)

We probably all have things like that, right? — things we feel like we do over and over again. Well, here are nine of mine. I’d also love to read some of yours.

“I feel like I’m always…”

1. Buying Giant Pet Hair Rollers (that’s actually what they’re called) from Target

CRAZY CAT LADY MOMENT: Sometimes I like to think that Tabs inherited his thick, dark hair from his mother (aka me)… LOL! I know, I know.

When we first started “working” together, I’d originally thought Tabs’ short fur wouldn’t be a problem, but homeboy sheds like a mofo!

I stash lint rollers throughout the house, but they only help so much; his fur still gets everywhere — on my jeans, my shirts, and even my face.

Once, I actually used a lint roller on my face…

Whatever, it worked. :)

2. Recharging camera batteries

You may not know this about me, but I take a lot of pictures (kidding). There’s always at least one outlet around me recharging batteries for a camera or other electronic device.

SIDE NOTE: Every so often someone asks about my camera equipment. If you’re interested, here’s a post with the deets and a couple of hopefully helpful camera tips.

3. Washing the blender

I’ve been on a smoothie kick since early spring, so my blender’s been getting a lot of use. Sure, I’ve saved the money I would have spent on Jamba Juice, but my fruit bill has gone through the roof!

Smoothies are just so…irresistible. They’re easy to make and pack plenty of fiber and protein (I like to add plain, non-fat yogurt). I think they’re especially great after a run.

Mmm…mango lassi…

4. Spraying MAC Turquatic on my wrists

mac turquatic 2011

Back in late spring when it was raining every day and folks were wondering, “where’s summer?” – I finally figured out the answer to that. MAC had it, and they put it in every bottle of Turquatic.

I got an extra bottle earlier this year when it looked like the scent was being discontinued. Thankfully, it’s staging a comeback next month.

5. Starting from scratch

Wish I could say I was one of those kick-@ss robot people who never got tired and always knew exactly what they were doing, but alas, I’m not.

I feel like I’m constantly having to re-learn things I could have sworn I already knew, and making many of the same mistakes over and over again.

It’s downright exhausting, to tell you the truth nike soccer shoes, so I just try to take things one day at a time.

6. Flossing…

No, not in the after hours, VIP lounge, bling-bling kinda way. I’m referring to flossing my teeth, LOL! Morning and night, and also after big meals. If I miss a night, I swear my teeth feel furry.

7. Listening to songs on repeat

I know it annoys people (and cats) around me, so I try to only do it when I’m alone. The other day, it was Britney’s Trouble, which I listened to no fewer than 47 times. In a row.

8. Calling Tabs some redonkulous nickname…

Because he has so many! I’m currently alternating between “Precious Baby Cat” and “Edward Scissorpaws.”

RANDOM FUN FACT: Tabs’ middle name is El Debarge.

9. Hoping for the best

The world can be a scary and sometimes very cruel place, and there’s really no changing that. What we can do is hope that things get better or hope that they get worse.

Between those two, I like the first choice better. :)

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. What are some things that you feel like you’re always doing? You don’t have to list nine things; it just happens to be my lucky number.

