
Like a Two-Tone Rock

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A certain 1972 Chevy has had my attention for the past few months. I’m not in a position to get one, but damn I think about it all the time. I really love all of those 1970s Chevy trucks, especially the C10s and the late 70s Suburbans a la Bad Blake. The film Crazy Heart had me up late on the internet looking for 1978 Suburbans in that perfect two-tone rust colorway. Try as I did, a good photo of that particular truck proved elusive, but I did manage to find the nice wood grain Suburban below and a whole bunch of old Chevy truck ads from the 1960s. What really strikes me are those egg shell blue and green colors — that’s pretty much as American as it gets. For more old truck imagery check out this gent’s Flickr and enjoy the old Chevys below. In the mean time, I’ll try to figure out what I want to spend my imaginary 20K on, a British milspec Rollie or a 1972 C10 two-tone.

All images via Aldenjewell on Flickr. (Except that top one, that’s from Wired.com)

