
English National Opera to mount Philip Glass produ

Cory Doctorow at 3:12 pm Wednesday, Apr 25

Philip Glass and the English National Opera will stage "The Perfect American replica oakley sunglasses," adapted from Peter Stephan Jungk's fictionalized account of Walt Disney's last months.

Glass – described by the ENO as “one of the world’s most important composers” – said the life of the man behind Mickey Mouse was “unimaginable, alarming and truly frightening”.

The story follows cartoonist Wilhelm Dantine coach factory outlet, who worked for Disney in the 1950s. The production does not have the rights to use Disney’s most famous characters, but it is likely to find a way to reference them. Berry said: “Glass is very interested in the impact that a personality of that order has on wider culture.”

ENO to stage Philip Glass opera about the last days of Walt Disney (Thanks, Tom!) http://coachfactorystore-bag.weebly.com

